Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Facebook status

Under the starry moonlit sky we sat,
Rekindled a passion that was almost flat.

I stare at you reminiscing the time we met,
Listening to you ratter-tat-tat,
And not forgetting the significance of my SAT,
My past, present, future tangled in a dense net,
Making me who I am, and that's what you get.

Then a rascal, a so called pet,
Came up with the yearn of a pat,
Soon turned into a cheeky 'rat'.

Thus ended our little chat.
Though a lil' too soon I bet.

But above all, at least I had my heart, and my mind set.

I love how my life has settled in a very subtle and comfortable way. Though I thought a lot of things would change, I stand corrected.
I value the insignificant moments which made us who we are today.
And life's too short for me to look back, regret and fret.

With this I extinguish the hatred I had.