Sunday, May 15, 2011

For the first time

have I ever felt so miserable...

It's just an exam, no big deal...right?
it means everything to me now.
Exams were never one of my concern, so why now?
I've come to a point in life where I am clear of what I want, the outcome of me doing something great and getting something great in return for my family and myself. The only confusion and doubt is that what the hell can I do which is so great? What the hell can I do since my dream is so far away at this point of time.
What the hell can I do...when I'm not good enough?

I've done too many stupid things, had too many unnecessary regrets, wasted too much time on things which will never contribute to what I want in life.
Regrets are for losers, I am a winner but I've lost too much.

Time is still on my side. My whole family supports me. They wipe my tears away, they help me back on my two crippled feet, crippled from the mistakes I've made.

But what I really feel deep down inside...

I know bitterly,

I am no one.
But a complete failure.
I'm sorry I've never made you guys proud,  

I rest my case.

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